Pregnancy  part 1. Conception - Fertility/infertility – herbal approach for woman and man fertility.

Pregnancy part 1. Conception - Fertility/infertility – herbal approach for woman and man fertility.


part 1. Conception - Fertility/infertility – herbal solutions for woman and man.

Key factors affecting fertility for male and female:



-endocrine (Thyroid female)

-environmental pollution (pesticides, herbicides)


-sleep patterns (shift work)

-smoking cigarettes

-stress hormones



Fertility is an area where using herbal medicines can clearly make an enormously positive difference. What is written in this article is entirely suitable for a person to work through themselves. But if things go bad or questions without answer arise will be wise idea to see Herbalist.


Safety Note

There is a lot of misinformation about herbs and health on the internet, especially regarding safety and unsafety.

For many thousands of years, our herbalists traditions have been following the rule of “firstly, do no harm” the herbs that we use for fertility are exceptionally safe. Safe to conceive whilst taking them and safe to take in the early stages of pregnancy.

For the woman who is also using pharmaceutical treatments for fertility, everything described below is also entirely safe to use alongside any drug therapies, or before using them, or after having used them in the past.


Overall health

If a couple have been trying to conceive for some time and nothing is happening then, ideally, the man should have an honest look at his overall health, same as woman.

Most of treatment overlap in the general approach to men and women with fertility. Usually, to recommend a strong cleanse to the both sex along with, and then followed by, some of the great fertility tonics.

Key differences are that we don't have the exact numbers of a sperm sample to compare against, by looking at her skin, eyes and tongue to see if detoxification needs to be a priority.



Detoxification is a very important subject in herbal medicine that needs to be approached with common sense and care.

Detoxifying tea recipe you can find in my port about PMS. That tea will address all organs of human body.


Women's health issues which can affect fertility:

More than 50% of the women who need help with fertility do not have any obvious gynaecological reason why things are not happening as they should.

That's ok, sickness is not only one reason to take herbs, and many women respond perfectly well to fertility tonics.

If there is an issue, like one of those listed below, it will be recommended using herbs to helping treat the condition at the same time as using some fertility tonics.


- Endometriosis is a major problem for many women and clearly a leading cause of infertility

- PCOS. If you have Polycystic ovary syndrome, you also will have metabolic syndrome and treating that will do to the PCOS more than anything.

-PMS. Obviously same hormonal imbalances that cause PMS can be negatively affecting fertility at the same time

-Painful periods. Whatever causes painful periods it may also be a reason problem with fertility. It is reasonable to anticipate that helping the one could help the other



Herbs for women's fertility

Any woman who wants to conceive can safety use herbal fertility tonics. Usually start with at least few of these herbs right away, even if we are taking other steps at the same time.

Looking back to herbal tradition, you will see in all traditions, that fertility tonics were some of the most revered of all medicines. The reason for this will be abundantly clear to anyone who has wanted a baby for any length of time. Below list of few herbs which can be used:

Dong Quai root

Black Cohosh root

Chaste berry

Raspberry leaf

Flower Pollen

Saw Palmetto berry

Damiana leaf

Helonias root


Yarrow herb


Rose flower

Mugwort Herb

Ginseng root


Below sample of fertility tonic tincture

Ashwagandha 30ml

Liquorice 11ml

Raspberry leaf 22ml

Dong Quai 37ml

Dosage would be 10ml once a day

That tonic would go together with:

Chaste berry tincture 1 or 2 ml, once a day in the morning or

Black Cohosh tincture 2 or 3 ml, once a day in the morning or

Black Cohosh tincture 2 ml each morning, for first two weeks of cycle
Chaste berry tincture 2 ml each morning, from day 14 until period begins

This last method can be helpful when infertility is combined with a very irregular cycle. You take the 2 ml of Black Cohosh once a day in the morning for two weeks, starting on the first day of the menstrual cycle, then you switch to the Vitex on day 15 and again take 2 ml once a day in the morning until the period begins, however long that takes.

Note: that all three of the above treatments are likely to have some potent effects on the woman's hormonal system and woman must be prepared not to judge them too fast allow time while observing effects of the herbs for at least 2 cycles to be able to identity the consistent patterns of change that they bring about.


Men infertility

It is well established fact that men are famously bad at doing anything pro-active about their health until they get something going wrong badly!

Fertility is a special subject; you don't need to be sick or to have any kind of symptoms for things to not be working optimally. An assessment of his health must measure sperm health but should also consider such key areas as nutrition, fitness and work/life balance.

Men need to get a comprehensive sperm test done. Which is mostly considered as bad idea,  this is because something very private is being made public, partly it's because, perhaps subconsciously, he may feel that a key aspect of his masculinity is being questioned!

Nevertheless, it must be done and, once the results are in, one of two things will happen
Either you get a good result, in which case all men feel very happy indeed about this, and tend to get back to their one truly essential contribution to the process with renewed enthusiasm. Or you get a bad result.



If any of the numbers; the count, the speed, or particularly the shape of the sperm, are bad, then first action to take is to do a good cleanse of the whole system.

Men with poor sperm results always show signs of excess toxicity and many practitioners and scientists are sure that environmental toxins etc. are the leading reason for the great decline in sperm health all around the world in the last three generations.


Nutritional Medicines

Eating foods rich in Zinc and vitamin C can be broadly recommended to help improve sperm and male fertility. Further to that, especially if there is a lot of damaged sperm with poor morphology, there is a case to use these nutrients as supplements for two or three months to rapidly correct any deficiencies. Safe and effective doses would be up to 30mg a day of elemental zinc and up to 2 or 3 grams a day of a buffered vitamin C.

You may be aware of the market “natural fertility products” and how it usually focuses on using extremely expensive courses of nutritional supplements, along with some herbs. That is not necessary to achieve great results.



Herbs for men`s infertility:

You can start fertility tonic any time while you are doing cleansing program with herbs, diet etc. Cleansing may take as little as a month, or as much as three months. As talked about in the article linked above.

Fertility tonic herbs can be used for as long as necessary, which ideally is of course when the desired result has been achieved! There are four herbal allies that work particularly well for male fertility. Of course there is long list of herbs which can be used, few of them below.


Saw palmetto

Ginseng - any




Peruvian Maca




For tincture blend we picked:

Damiana was historically renowned as an aphrodisiac but nowadays we think that it is its general tonic effects that make it so valuable in a fertility tonic.

St John's has been heavily marketed as a natural anti-depressant, but its widespread tonic effects are at least as important for the body as for the mind

Panax Ginseng is the famous 'Emperor tonic' of Chinese medicine, there can be no doubt that it significantly improves male libido, fertility and sperm health. Panax is a precious herb so it is widely counterfeited or adulterated, you must be careful to get the real thing from supplier who follows GMP practice.

Ashwagandha is as equally revered in the ancient Ayurvedic system as Ginseng is in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a certain support to both energy and fertility for anyone who is in need.


Below sample of fertility tonic tincture blend 100ml:

Ashwagandha root 37 ml
Liquorice root 11 ml

Panax Ginseng root 15ml

Damiana leaf15ml

St John`s wort herb 22ml

For a man who has seriously poor sperm health recommendation would be to use 10mls twice a day for a full three months before re-testing. These are, no doubt, high doses but they are perfectly safe and note that it would be quite normal to use also additional cleansing or herbs in tea or capsule form at the same time as using the fertility herbs.


ATTENTION: All material provided on this website is for informational or educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of your healthcare professional or physician. Redistribution permitted with attribution.

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