About Botanical Remedies

I am Master Herbalist, CMA registered. I have Polish diploma of Zielarz-Fitoterapeuta which translate to Herbalist-Phytoterapist, English Diploma of Master Herbalist and English diploma of Naturopath. Herbs and Nature are my passion and way of live. Recently, last summer I discovered Western Herbalism and fall in love with it, which made me to start education at Heartwood Education.

I participated in many herbal conferences organized by different Herbalist Associations across the world, finished many extra curses including “Building Resilience” with famous Canadian Herbalist Chanchal Cabrera.

During those events one of most important off topic or sometimes main topic was quality and adulteration of herbs available on market, according to many research articles up to 85% of herbs available on market is poor quality or adulterated. Most of the market is filled with poor quality, poorly stored, usually sundried, ripped of most constituents cheap herbs.

Till today highest quality herbs proven by Laboratory tests has been available only from few registered companies, which mostly are known by Herbalists.

That’s why I decided to start delivering highest quality herbal teas to the UK market, making them available to everyone at reasonable prices. I spend last summer looking for suppliers and made some strong connections. Audited lots of farms and Foragers mostly in Poland, controlling them during all steps of herb production, checked all phases from seed to drying and packing, to make sure delivering herbs highest quality and pesticide/pollution free.

I found and started cooperation with wholesalers which follow GMP and deliver herbs tested by laboratory using markers to confirm:

Authenticity – this is always right herb (no similar, as was found during many market research)

Purity – right herb without any extras (as has been found during market research, some herbs, especially powders available on market from non THR suppliers are up to 85% adulterated).

Heavy metal presence – within norms allowed by EU to be classified as food staff.

Mycotoxins – within norms allowed by EU to be classified as food staff.

PAH - within norms allowed by EU to be classified as food staff.

Salmonella – presence unacceptable

herb age – providing info about shelf life.

Moreover, wholesalers legally confirms that herbs are:


has not been treated with ionising radiation.

To provide those herbs to markets I usually pay 5 up to 10 times higher price then prices offered by Chinese and Indian wholesalers. Still trying to keep my offer at competitive and affordable to common folk price.

Those herbal teas without certificate coming from mentioned earlier trusted experienced foragers or small ecofriendly farms.

I do not buy prepacked herbal teas; every order is packed manually that give me full control over Quality.

My Herbal teas are always full of flavour and filled to the maximum with constituents, proven to be having effects found in literature. I would not offer something for sale what I would not recommend to my patients, that is part of Herbalist etic code.

UK law does not allow me to write here about medicinal actions of herbal teas I offer, but You can always contact me by WhatsApp or via chatbox and ask question regarding any of those teas, conditions, other way to prepare herb or question you would like to ask Herbalist. I am aiming to answer queries within 24h.

I do strongly recommend if you use any pharmaceuticals, have long illness history, are within protected age and pregnant or nursing that before consumption of any herbs even an herbal tea you look for advice from skilled professional, content of this listing is not intended to be a substitute of professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Obviously best choice will be always Herbalist. Otherwise, if you know what herbs you are looking for, know how to use it, my auction its best place to get those herbs at highest quality and reasonable price!