Tansy Benefits, Usage, Medicinal Properties, Nutrition, Dosage, Preparations, safety, science backed and traditional view

Tansy Benefits, Usage, Medicinal Properties, Nutrition, Dosage, Preparations, safety, science backed and traditional view

Tansy - Tanacetum vulgare (L.) also known as Common Tansy, Bitter Buttons, Cow Bitter, Golden Buttons, Parsley Fern, Stinking Willie, Wrotycz, Ai Ju​


Tansy is a perennial, herbaceous flowering plant in the Aster family. It has finely divided compound fern-like leaves and yellow, button-like flowers. Its erect stem is somewhat reddish and usually smooth. It can grow to be 20-60 inches tall, branching near the top. Its leaves are alternate, long, and pinnately lobed. The round, flat-topped, button-like flowers are produced in terminal clusters that bloom from mid-to-late summer. Their scent is similar to camphor and a hint of rosemary. Tansy is native to the temperate zones of Europe (including Britain and Ireland) and Asia. It has been introduced to North America and other parts of the world. It is in flower from August to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees, flies, beetles. The plant is self-fertile.
It is noted for attracting wildlife.


Part used: herb (steam and leaf’s), flowering tops, seeds



essential oil 0.12-0.18% (incl. thujone 70-90%, camphor, borneol), bitter resins (incd. tanacetin), stearine ,bitter extractive gum, wax, chlorophyll, tannin, lead oxydes, tanacetic/gallic/arabinic/oxalic/malic acid


Flavors/Temps: Bitter, Cool, Pungent, Dry

Relaxing, Stimulating


Tropism: Liver, Intestines, Stomach, Skin, Nerves, Kidney, Bladder, Circulation


Meridians: Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Bladder


Constitutions:  Sanguine, Choleric

Key actions in western medicine: Anthelmintic, Antiviral, Abortifacient, Repellent, Emmenagogue, Diaphoretic, Antioxidant, Stimulant, Bitter, Narcotic, Pediculicide, Tonic, Cordial, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Bactericide

Indication: Promotes menstruation and relieves amnenorrhea, uterine contractions and vaginal discharge. Treats gout, digestive complaints, migraines, neuralgia, fever, sciatica, bloating, nausea, stomach spasms, poor appetite, rheumatism, herpes simplex, fluid retention caused by congestive heart failure, scabies, freckles, toothache, epileptic seizures, nervousness, sunburn. Helps with physical and emotional symptoms of PMS. Repels intestinal worms (including roundworm and threadworm in children), insects, lice, and ticks. Skin conditions, wounds, Ulcers, varicose veins, breast lumps, Freckles, Eczema, Blemishes, Acne, sprains, strains, muscle aches.

Key actions in TCM: Moves Qi, Resolves Phlegm, Clears Damp, Dispels Wind Heat, Regulates Uterus Qi, Harmonises Menstruation and Relieve Pain

Indication: Epilepsy, Digestive Upsets due to Damp (such as nausea, bloating, gas), Sprains, gout, oedema, rheumatism, painful menstrual cramps, difficult flow, PMS, swollen breast, externally as a douche for vaginal discharge


Preparations: Infusion, tincture, infused oil. Tansy preparations are also used as vaginal sponges, lotions, washes, steams etc.

For parasites tansy is often more effective if combined with other vermifuge e.g. Walnut hull and as well with laxative to flush them out.


Infusion of herb 4-10 g

Infusion of flower 3-5 g

Infusion of seeds for intestinal parasites 1 teaspoon of crushed/ground seeds per cup of water, drink as first thing at the morning

Tincture of herb 1-2ml 1:3, 45% ethanol

Tincture of herb 2-5 ml 1:5, 45% ethanol


Cautions: Do not exceed therapeutic doses. Some individuals can suffer from contact dermatitis while harvesting the plant, so wear gloves! Tansy essential oil is not suited for general use as contains high level of thujone, which is highly toxic. Fatalities have been associated with ingestion of as little as 10 drops of tansy oil, occurring within 1-3.5 hours after ingestion. Symptoms of thujone toxicity include rapid pulse, irregular heartbeat, tachypnea, severe gastroenteritis, vomiting, dilated pupils, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and death. Thujone, a constituent of tansy, can increase and alter the effects of alcohol, avoid drinking alcohol during treatment with Tansy.

Tansy is medium strength remedy with cumulative toxicity, that should be used in formulas or intermittently on its own.


Contradictions: Pregnancy, breastfeeding due to uterine stimulation effect and containing teratogenic thujone.


Interactions with drugs: none known


Side effects: At recommended range of dosage none know. Extremely overdosing may cause Vomiting, Convulsions and Coma.

History folklore:

The ancient Greeks are thought to have been the first to cultivate the plant as a medicine. By the 8th century AD, it was grown in the herb gardens of Charlemagne and Benedictine monks. It was used to treat intestinal worms, rheumatism, digestive problems, fevers, sores, and to bring out measles.

During the Middle Ages this already toxic plant was used in high doses to induce abortions (sometimes called “a stalled period”) as well as in smaller doses to promote pregnancy and prevent miscarriage. By the 15th century, tansy was served by Christians at the annual Lenten meal to commemorate the bitter herbs eaten by the Israelites. It was also noted to have the added benefit of treating the flatulence and possible intestinal worms often associated with days of eating fish as part of the Lenten practice. By the 16th century in Britain, it was considered a “necessary plant for a garden”. In19th century, in Irish folklore traditions, it was suggested that taking a bath of a solution of tansy and salts would help to cure joint pain.

The English herbalist, John Gerard (c. 1545 – 1612) noted tansy for its “pleasant taste” and recommended it for sweetmeat recipes that could help treat gout. In Yorkshire, tansy and caraway seeds were traditionally used in biscuits at funerals. Its flavour is said to be tangy and sharp, similar to cinnamon or nutmeg, and with a cool heat a bit like peppermint, but as it remains noted for causing toxic side effects it is no longer used as a culinary herb. Traditionally, some used it as a substitute for sage.

The 17th century English herbalist, Nicolas Culpepper said, “Of Tansy. The root eaten, is a singular remedy for gout: the rich may bestow the cost to preserve it.”

Tansy has been used externally to treat scabies, sprains, sores, itching bruises, vaginal discharge, sunburns, and as an effective insect repellent.

Tansy is listed by the United States Pharmacopeia as a treatment for fevers, feverish colds, and jaundice.

Tansy was seen especially as woman`s friend, in past was one off the herb called by Wise Woman Healers: "Motherwort".

Tansy is highly toxic to internal parasites and for centuries has been used to treat these kinds of conditions. It was recommended an infusion of tansy be given to children to kill worms and draw out measles. The plant is also a highly effective insecticide and insect repellent. As an insect repellent and worm warding plant, it was often packed into coffins, wrapped in funeral winding sheets, and wreaths made of the plant were also sometimes placed on the dead to help preserve them from decomposition from worms.

During the American colonial period, meat was rubbed or packed with tansy leaves to repel insects and delay spoilage.

The first president of Harvard University was buried wearing a tansy wreath in a coffin stuffed with tansy. When his grave was moved in 1846 the tansy had retained its shape and fragrance helping to identify the president’s remains.

The Latin name vulgare means “common”. The word “tansy” comes from the Greek word for “athanasia” which means, “immortality.” Tansy has very long-lasting flowers and it was also used for embalming and therefore thought to confer immortality.

Tansy can be used as a face wash and was reported to help lighten and purify the skin. However, it contains sesquiterpene lactones that can cause allergic contact dermatitis in some people.

Tansy is often planted as a companion plant for biological pest control. Planted alongside potatoes to repel the Colorado potato beetle, a study found it reduced the beetle population by 60 to 100 percent. In England, it is placed on window sills to repel flies, and sprigs have been placed in bed linens to prevent bed bugs. It also makes a good ant repellent. It is often planted with cucumbers, squash, cabbage, roses, and various berries to help protect them from pests.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is noted for its ability to Clear Dampness and Move Qi.

Tansy has been hung around the house as a protection against monsters and the dried herb has been burned as incense. The herb has a long tradition as being a popular “Strewing Herb” to help keep Middle Age castles and spaces clean. These are herbs that were strewn across floors for scent, and to deter flies, mice, ticks, ants, bedbugs, and lice, as well as to generally help keep an enclosed environment clean. Tansy is commonly used as an effective insect repellent. In the 1940s distilled tansy oil was blended with fleabane, pennyroyal, and diluted alcohol as a well-known mosquito repellent. Research has confirmed tansy extract does repel mosquitos, though not as effectively as products containing DEET. A study from Sweden conducted in 2008, also showed tansy as able to repel ticks 64-72% for each oil constituent.

Tansy was extensively used as plasters, ointments and such like for topical conditions. Rubefacient, analgesic to local tissues, anti-inflammatory and tissue healing made Tansy to be used for various contusions, painful wounds and local inflammation and made it strong alternative to Arnica flower, that's why Tansy it is  often used in cosmetic preparations.

Tansy is especially toxic to dogs and can be unhealthy for goats and sheep as well.


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