Vaginal thrush or bacterial vaginitis herbal approach

Vaginal thrush or bacterial vaginitis herbal approach

Vaginal thrush or bacterial vaginitis


This is recipe for women plagued with vaginal thrush or bacterial vaginitis. Lots of woman well know how difficult those problems can be, on many occasions pharmaceutical options doesn’t work here or cause problems. Treatment with Garlic can succeed where other measures have failed.  

Herbalist who years ago wrote that recipe said that she gets funny looks from women when she tells them how to do it (I can vouch for that too) but that it really works very well.

Use one medium sized clove of garlic, peel it lightly, leave a thin ‘skin’ on the garlic. Insert into the vagina and leave overnight (that's where the funny looks come in). 'Yes you can fish it out in the morning’ she also said and she was right.

But after years of successful therapy without problems, and with many women having used this method with no negative feedback finally one woman had real trouble with the 'fishing it out' method. From that day new recommendation was put in place: do use the needle and thread method and don't risk it getting stuck there with all the worry about what might happen from that point on!

Create something like a tampon. Put a needle threaded with dental floss or some other strong thread through the clove and tie a knot at the end of it and take it out that way. There is a picture above, which shows how this can be done. Another method for sensitive patients, whose may find treatment too strong is to place the peeled garlic clove in a small piece of muslin cloth before inserting and to tie the thread around the end of the little bag.


-On first night use clove as described above.

-second night you have use actual tampon, slightly wet it so that it absorbs lots of powder, then roll it in a probiotic powder and insert and leave overnight.

 -third night you repeat the garlic process a second time exactly as you did the first.

- on the fourth night you repeat the probiotic on the tampon same as did first time.

On most occasion third round is not necessary, but it may be used if a problem has been long standing and very difficult to shift. Take a break from the treatment now for at least a few days and see how things go. In most cases women respond very quickly to this treatment, sometimes they may still need to repeat it periodically from time to time if the symptoms start to return.


ATTENTION: All material provided on this website is for informational or educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of your healthcare professional or physician. Redistribution permitted with attribution.

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